Consumers don't consume content through one channel any longer. To be a true customer company, you need to meet your customers where they are, at the right time, and with the content that enriches their experience with your brand. With an intuitive cross-channel strategy, you'll be one step closer to building customer connections that last. Check out these top tips for success.

Count on versatility

Customers will interact with your brand through more than one channel, whether it is through social, email, mobile, or on-site experiences. Successful brands cater content to both the channel and customer. Don't necessarily repeat the same message on different channels. Each message should be unique and an integral part of the customer journey.

Pay attention to engagement

Every customer is unique. With scalable content applied through data-driven optimization, messaging can be personalized and dynamic based on individual customer behavior. This means that the power of mobile, for example, can be combined with the power of email to create an even stronger overall experience for your customer. A successful strategy will adapt the strengths of each channel for a cohesive master plan.

Evolve your relationship over time

Nothing is more important for marketing success than establishing 1-to-1 relationships with your customers. Add value to customer relationships with consistent and thoughtful communication throughout the journey, not just your initial engagement. Whether it is through an interactive on-site experience or a dynamic mobile experience, it's important to recognize that every single interaction is an extension on your brand identity.

Need another reason to take your strategy to a 1-to-1 level? Take a look at how Life Time implemented a personalized cross-channel campaign to boost ROI by 154%. Check it out.