recently compiled research from studies by the ExactTarget Marketing Cloud, Pew Research, and Nielsen on how women and men differ in their usage of social media and mobile. We know that women and men use social media and mobile devices in different ways, but this research has compiled that into specific, actionable ways in which men and women differ in their usage.

They compiled this research into a comprehensive infographic below that compares how women and men use social media, interact with digital promotions, and use mobile devices differently. Here are some of the key stats from the infographic:

  • 71% of women will like or follow a brand for deals-compared to only 18% of men. Tweet this!
  • Men are 17% more likely to scan coupons or QR codes, though, on their mobile device. Tweet this!
  • Women ignore social media and mobile advertising more than men. Tweet this!
  • The top reason women use Facebook is to see others' photos and videos, while the top reason men use Facebook is to share with multiple people at once. Tweet this!
  • Only 47% of men use social media on their phone. 57% of women use social media on their phone on a regular basis. Tweet this!

To find out more about the differences, read the infographic below and download the 2014 Mobile Behavior Report.

Prepared by finances online | Author: David Adelman

You can also read more about our 2014 Mobile Behavior Report and our findings here.