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Marketers who want to enter the international landscape need a different approach. Today’s era of endless connectivity demands a change in the way they interact with customers. Now, startups can harness the power of the internet to connect with new groups of consumers on a global scale. Some of whom were traditionally only reachable to large multinational corporations. With their instantaneous international presence, small businesses and startups need to tailor their messaging to their diverse customer base — both internationally and domestically.
On this episode of the Marketing Cloudcast, we hear from Sydni Craig-Hart, CEO of Smart Simple Marketing. She consults with companies of all sizes on how they can listen to each audience segment to create inclusive marketing campaigns. Sydni shares her tips on how companies can develop campaigns that encompass every persona — regardless if they have a single marketer versus a whole department.
To hear more, check out the latest episode of the Marketing Cloudcast: Embracing Multicultural Marketing as a Necessity:
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