Global recruitment specialist PageGroup is an intermediary for its clients, specializing in sourcing qualified candidates for companies worldwide. Digital transformation is a key focus for the recruitment industry, and PageGroup is widely recognized as a Trailblazer in this area. By launching lifecycle messaging to deliver customized communications that focused on building relationships based on data and past interactions, PageGroup was able to increase engagement rates by 300%.

The focus of PageGroup’s recruitment programs has always been on delivering great customer experiences. The company needs to be able to create personalized conversations that are relevant to candidates. It’s crucial for consultants to maintain contact with candidates throughout the full application process, and for PageGroup to maintain contact in order to support candidates once placed in a role. Therefore, customer lifecycle engagement is critical in this sector.

In the age of the connected customer, PageGroup recognizes the need to maintain long-term customer lifecycles while integrating relevant interactions and real-time engagement across every channel. Real-time interaction management solutions such as Interaction Studio can help brands visualize, track, and manage real-time consumer experiences and use consumer data in a way that resonates contextually across every touchpoint. With Interaction Studio, the company unlocked the ability to deliver consistent experiences to every candidate — even those with long application lifecycles. Here’s how they did it:


Listening to engage in relevant ways

To deliver relevant experiences to customers, you first have to understand them. After setting up Interaction Studio, PageGroup was immediately able to start analyzing email, website behavior, and conversations with consultants for information that could help inform messaging and engagement. All of this data is now grouped together under individual candidate profiles so they have a unified view of each customer’s journey.

Listening to prospective candidates and their needs help inform relevant campaign messaging. Tailoring messaging to potential candidates has resulted in more applications being sent in — which has allowed PageGroup to successfully place more people in fulfilling careers.


Creating personalized customer journeys

Candidates interact with PageGroup’s brands in a number of ways. Online, they can access skills and salary tools, job searches, and job alerts. Once candidates apply for a role, they’re automatically entered into a CRM lifecycle program, which provides tips on how to be successful in an interview, write a great resume, and keep their social media looking sharp.

These personalized email journeys are tailored to each candidate’s real-life application journey. If they get the job, the emails start to share information on how to be successful in their first 90 days, how to build stakeholder relationships, and much more. If they don't get the job, they’ll receive emails encouraging them to restart the application process, with job match suggestions based on areas such as skills, location, and expertise. This personalized approach has resulted in a 300% increase in open rates for PageGroup emails, and a 450% increase in email click-through ratio.

Interaction Studio gave us the ability to join our individual interactions with candidates in multiple channels and maintain that conversation, and more importantly, be relevant to wherever they are in their journey.”

Alex Bates, Group Data, Insights and Activation Director, PageGroup

Maintaining complete customer lifecycles

For PageGroup, the ultimate benefit of Interaction Studio has been the ability to have a consistent, cross-channel view of candidates. Now the business can connect with a candidate and start a conversation in one channel (say, on the website) and then deliver relevant information to the same candidate on a completely different channel (email, for example) at the next stage of their application journey.  

Multi-channel engagement is key to delivering relevant experiences throughout a long customer lifecycle. Because of this newfound ability, PageGroup successfully launched a 2-3 year lifecycle program, based on a candidate’s behavior, to connect with them at every point from the application process, to interviewing for jobs, to accepting a new role, and beyond.

This lifecycle campaign program resulted in 60-70% close rates, as well as many long-term customer relationships cultivated with messaging based on user data and past interactions. With Interaction Studio, PageGroup is always ready to send candidates relevant content at every stage of their application journeys.


Learn how Interaction Studio can help you cultivate engaging relationships with your customers.