If you work in an office, you're sure to hear countless buzzwords every day. They've been so engrained in daily language that you might not even notice them (unless buzzwords are your pet peeve). The problem with buzzwords is that they fail to communicate clearly because they are so vague or overused that they have lost their meaning.
To poke fun at the buzzwords that everyone loves to hate, GetVoIP created this infographic of 25 irritating business buzzwords. It also includes how much the word's usage has increased in print over the past 30 years. Can you believe the use of "hit the ground running" has increased 578%?!
And remember, buzzwords don't just include corporate jargon. They also include self-promotional language. A study by LinkedIn shared the 10 most overused resume buzzwords, which include motivated, creative, enthusiastic, and passionate. Instead of using these words, choose alternatives that help you stand out in the crowd. Explore the rest of the buzzwords below, and if your least favorite buzzword was left out, let us know!
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