Roses are red, violets are blue…

But really. LinkedIn deserves a valentine for being one of the most versatile and effective social platforms available to marketers. Here are three reasons to love LinkedIn:

It takes your networking to the next level

It should come as no surprise that LinkedIn is the premier platform for networking with your peers. Don’t forget that it’s also a positive and powerful channel for connecting with prospects that could expand your business horizons. LinkedIn allows you to strike a balance between thought leadership, personal branding, and building business connections without clogging the feed.  

It introduces your brand to new audiences

Whether you’re talking to prospects, customers, or peers, LinkedIn provides a platform for sharing everything from business resources and event invitations, to job postings and even just pieces or comments that interest you. More so than platforms like Twitter and Facebook, LinkedIn gives users the opportunity to become thought leaders to a network with similar industry interests and business needs.

It helps you interact on a 1-to-1 level

Developing your social presence as a thought leader in an industry with plenty of leadership isn’t the easiest feat. The key on LinkedIn is to remain human, even if your interests on LinkedIn are purely based on the numbers of clicks and followers of your brand. If you share a thought leadership piece or business insight, make sure you follow-up with connections that liked or commented. LinkedIn is an ideal channel for responsive relationship building.

Make sure you follow Salesforce Marketing Cloud on LinkedIn for marketing resources, connections, thought leadership, and invitations to the biggest events in digital marketing.

So send LinkedIn some roses or chocolate this month — it deserves it.