The app economy is now. Apps are everywhere and they have the power to change everything. This big shift is revolutionizing how we live and how we work. Consumers and business users alike are demanding more apps and better app experiences.

This app explosion means a new world of responsibility for the CIO of today. The pressure is on to innovate and create new business models with apps. And not just any old apps. These apps need to be mobile. They need to be connected. They need to manage new streams and types of data. And they need to be built regardless of the limited number of developers available.

We’ve laid out four immediate actions IT leaders can take to stay on the leading edge of app development. Get the highlights below and download the free e-book, The 4 New Strategies IT Leaders Should Adopt To Drive Innovation, for a deeper look.

Experience a New Way to Build Apps


Posted by Salesforce on Thursday, November 5, 2015


1. Constantly take stock of your app development technology.

The first question every CIO should ask themselves is: “Do I have the right tools to build the apps of the future?” It’s impossible for on-premises legacy systems and infrastructure to keep up with the rapid pace of technology today. As a CIO, you must embrace technology that makes rapid app dev a reality for you, your IT department, and your entire organization.

2. Give your users the connected experience they’ve come to expect.

Consumers are now adept at using apps to complete everyday tasks and are even choosing to work with brands and companies based on the app experience provided. The more seamless, the more functionality, and the more that can be accomplished within the app, the more likely a customer’s loyalty will be earned. That’s why today’s hottest Silicon Valley companies are succeeding. They pay attention to the user and digital experience first.

3. Enable every type of app builder, from the hardcore coder, to the business user.

There simply isn’t enough developer talent to keep pace with today’s appetite for apps. Most companies don’t have the resources to compete for and recruit the hardcore developers who do exist. But there is great news. CIOs can take the pressure off their departments by expanding the developer horizon and enabling everyone in the organization, from analysts to productivity workers close to the business, to build innovative apps that improve processes.

4. Establish a great working relationship with the business side of things.

With the innovation imperative facing every company, apps are how the Business differentiates itself from competitors. CIOs and their departments can play a significant part by really paying attention to what the Business is actually demanding, quickly building game-changing apps to meet those needs, and then regularly iterating to make them even better.

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