Email marketing can be a powerful driver of event success. To get the latest advice on how to use email to pack an event, Tim Watson, founder of email marketing consultancy Zettasphere, asked me and eight other email marketing experts to share our top tip for promoting a webinar or paid physical event.

Here’s the advice that I shared:

The biggest opportunity around events is to address the journeys that happen (1) during consideration, (2) post-conversion but pre-event, (3) during the event, and (4) post-event. A person on each of those journeys has different needs at different points, and there are great opportunities to use personalization, dynamic content, and triggered emails to address those needs and drive the desired behavior.

If you’ve attended the latest Dreamforce or Connections, you’ve seen how Salesforce puts this framework into action. During consideration, we build excitement around the event by steadily releasing more and more details, including keynote speakers, entertainment, charity efforts, and more. After you register, we have emails that confirm registration and hotel accommodations, and that encourage you to sign up for individual sessions. During the event, we have daily emails that talk about the day’s activities and that talk about what happened earlier. We also coordinate these emails with push messaging and the mobile app for the event. And post-event, we send our thanks, encourage attendees to give us feedback, and direct them to session recordings.

To see what the other experts said, check out the full post on
