Last week we shared insights on ad viewability, creative strategy, and effective tweet content. This week we have insights on Facebook’s role in the customer journey, video ads across multiple devices, and how UK mums use Facebook. Your customers are constantly on a journey with your brand and can make purchasing decisions at any moment. You should know your customers and connect to with them through multiple channels and touchpoints, and these three insights help you understand the customer journey on social channels. 

This graphic by Facebook IQ provides an overview of how a multitasking consumer could make 201 visits to Facebook over 24 days across multiple devices. Facebook shows that in this hypothetical customer journey, measuring the impact of Facebook on the purchase of a new smartphone using just last click attribution would not show the value of the channel. Use Facebook ads to reach the right customers, on any device, and when they are most receptive to hearing from you. 

 This table by MediaPost shows that 50% of video ad campaigns are served on both desktop and mobile devices. Cookie-based ads cannot track users across multiple devices and therefore cannot create a comprehensive picture of your customers’ journeys. Social ads track people, not cookies, so you can keep up with customers as they switch screens. 

The UK celebrated Mother’s day on March 15. This graphic from Point 6 shows how frequently mothers in the UK visit Facebook and how they engage with posts. This is an extremely engaged audience; 88% of mothers in the UK log into Facebook every day, and they update their status 1.8 times more often than women in the UK without kids. You should know how your customers behave across countries, channels, and devices so you can target campaigns effectively. 

The Advertising Benchmark report is here! Download the report on our website.