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You are probably aware that a CRM (short for customer relationship management) system helps your business grow by managing most of your critical customer information so you can see it in one place.
Did you also know that when it comes to services (like product tracking and real-time quotes) and processes (like analytics), a CRM solution can give small businesses like yours the power of a large enterprise with many employees?
Here’s how CRM gives you the capabilities of a big business, while allowing you to keep your small business agility:
Track important info about products and inventory for each opportunity in your CRM system. It’s easy to note all the details you and your customers might need, such as quantity, price, product codes, inventory, and accounting.
This CRM feature lets sales representatives send real-time quotes to customers, using product tracking data that’s already in the system. These quotes are automatically generated so they can be shared with the customer in mere minutes. This fast delivery system is a great way to keep customers happy.
The traditional running of analytics reports is tedious and overwhelming. This isn’t the case with CRM. Analytics are processed automatically, giving you a regular, personalized look at your business, so you can easily see where improvements can be made, what’s doing well, and what options you have for additional growth.
Pack the power of a big business. CRM is the tool you need to level the playing field. Download this e-book to read how your small business can compete on equal footing with global enterprises.
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