As a blog editor, I find that -- even more than recruiting writers, adding calls to action, creating editorial calendars, and searching for great photos -- I'm helping writers come up with "sharable" content ideas and innovative ways to format their posts.

A great blog is needs variety, so here are 50 ideas you can refer to next time you find yourself in a creative rut. Steal 'em, share 'em, and bookmark 'em. I know I will!

  1. How-to/Tutorial
  2. List (like this one!)
  3. Thought leader interview
  4. Customer interview
  5. Late-breaking industry news
  6. Company news
  7. Book excerpt (with permission)
  8. Thought leader guest post
  9. CEO guest post
  10. Event recap
  11. Crowdsourced article
  12. Statistics
  13. Customer story
  14. Parody
  15. What if?
  16. What not to do
  17. Video blog (vlog)
  18. FAQs
  19. Ebook/whitepaper excerpt
  20. Checklist
  21. Cheat sheet
  22. Breakdown of a Slideshare presentation
  23. Success story
  24. Infographic
  25. Survey or poll
  26. Quiz
  27. Contest
  28. Product announcement
  29. Make jokes
  30. Employee or event photos
  31. Webinar recap
  32. Event promotion
  33. Recap of top posts
  34. Recap of top ebooks/whitepapers
  35. Recap of top webinars
  36. Recap of top videos
  37. Favorite books
  38. Favorite podcasts
  39. Favorite videos
  40. Research findings
  41. Embedded tweets
  42. Tell a story
  43. Syndicate content from other blogs
  44. Summarize your results
  45. Solve customer problems
  46. Compare your job to bacon
  47. Live blog
  48. Write about a new team member
  49. Draw a cartoon
  50. Give kudos

What other kinds of blog posts are you writing? What formats have been most successful? Share your ideas in the comments below!