All marketers know the feeling. You've crafted the perfect Facebook post, worked hard to design an email, or sent an impeccably timed SMS campaign, and the audience response was far from your hopes. When you send marketing communications that no one reads or engages with, it can feel like you're performing to an empty auditorium.

That's why audience development—building a bigger, more responsive audience across email, social, and mobile channels—is a critical part of your job as a marketer. It's not enough to publish helpful content and activate attractive campaigns if there's not an energized audience on the other side. The energy of an audience is what makes every marketing campaign go 'round.

As customer attention becomes shorter and quicker to hit "delete" or close the tab, it's all the more imperative for brands to invest time and resources into building better audiences. As part of The Audience Growth Survey, ExactTarget surveyed hundreds of marketers to find out how they're growing new audiences across multiple touchpoints. Check out the results in this infographic.

Steps to Building Your Digital Audience from ExactTarget

See the rest of the stats in the full report. 

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