If you’re a B2B marketer, you probably deal with one or more of these on a daily basis: email marketing, lead generation, social media, search marketing, and the list goes on. For many marketers, the day is spent juggling each of these in turn, the only respite coming in the form of lunch or a quick bathroom break. The days are long, but it seems like time is always short.

If this sounds familiar, it might be time to consider a system that can do a lot of the work for you. Many overwhelmed B2B marketers have started turning to tools like marketing automation to take the manual work out of tedious marketing tasks like lead qualification, ROI reporting, and more. Think you could benefit from marketing automation, too? See if you agree with five or more of the pain points listed below.

1. Your company has a long and/or complicated sales cycle

The longer your sales cycle, the more touch points you need, especially as your prospects get closer to the bottom of the funnel.

2. You have no way to prioritize the leads that sales should be following up with

Without lead scoring or grading, it can be difficult to tell how interested prospects are in your company or how good of a fit they are for your product or service.

3. Your CRM doesn’t automate many of the tasks that you’d like it to

While a CRM is great for sales forecasting and task management, you’re looking for greater segmentation capabilities and an intuitive way to qualify and assign leads.

4. You have little insight into your campaign ROI

You may be able to pull revenue numbers, but when it comes to which campaigns have the greatest return on marketing investment, you’re still in the dark.

5. Your marketing and sales teams are always at odds

Tensions between today’s marketing and sales teams are common, especially over lead quality and revenue attribution.

6. You have plenty of content, but no good way to distribute it

Without a tool to target communications, and with no way to create landing pages or forms, it can be difficult to see the results you would like from your content creation efforts.

7. You would like to segment and target leads, but you don’t have the data to do so

You need more than just a first name, last name, and email address to segment your leads. You need location information, behavioral data, job titles, and more.

8. Many of your leads aren’t ready to buy, and keep slipping through the cracks

With no way to nurture your leads to sales-readiness and keep your company top of mind, you run the risk of letting them get picked up by competitors.

Did you find yourself agreeing with any of the statements above? If so, it might be time to start considering a tool that can help put time back into your day, like marketing automation. With less time spent on manual, tedious tasks, you can finally devote your energy to those new and exciting marketing initiatives you’ve always had at the back of your mind, like social media contests or paid search campaigns.

Learn more about marketing automation with our free ebook below.
