A new Nucleus Research report shows how JetBlue reduced routine creative services and production fees while improving their marketing productivity and campaign reporting with the use of Saleforce Buddy Media.

Let's look at how JetBlue achieved this success and how you can too. 

Understanding Social Media ROI

Many bloggers and marketers are asking, “What is the ROI of social media?” How can they demonstrate value to their executive team (in order to support the implementation of social tools and technologies) when they aren’t sure about how to measure ROI? What’s interesting about these questions, which often come hand in hand, is they are quite independent. First, it’s about the value of social media marketing as a mechanism to reach customers. Second, it’s about the value of of technology applications, such as Salesforce Marketing Cloud, to manage social media initiatives.

How can organizations measure the ROI of social media?

It depends on the type of organization and the purpose of the campaign. Sameer Kahn, Marketing Analytics and Tech Leader at Rackspace, does a great job of fleshing out the many ways to apply a value by social engagement type by channel.

SocialMediaROI2VPs of digital marketing have implemented similar mechanisms for their teams to analyze the value of their outbound and inbound posts. Good methodologies take into consideration the type of engagement a company is tracking and how they impact their corresponding business metrics.

Social Marketing Metrics are different from Social Customer Service

While social media metrics can be very useful in determining how many times your community and engagement team should post about a given topic on social media, they are entirely different from what your customer service team should be measuring when handling publicly voiced customer service issues.

Customer service should instead be working with marketing to measure customer retention through social media customer service engagement and determine how it correlates to Net Promoter Score (NPS). Ultimately customer service can have a much greater impact on profitability by increasing the number of public advocates, which in turn can increase overall marketing and sales effectiveness.

Bringing it all together

Enterprise social media tools like Salesforce Marketing Cloud provide a place to measure these results across activities. Getting back to our headline, Salesforce is excited to announce that JetBlue has seen an annual ROI of 140% from use of Salesforce Buddy Media. You can download the whole case study here.

Buddy Media provides digital marketers like JetBlue’s promotions team the ability to scale campaign execution, reduce routine creative services costs, and track the impacts of multiple campaigns against each other in one place. By providing a single view of outbound communications on social media, JetBlue can optimize the content it creates by post type and channel, increasing network reach with each post.  

We would love your feedback. How do you measure your social marketing effectiveness? What are the pitfalls and best practices you have to share?

