John is the VP of Information Technology - Applications at Camping World. He is a 3x Salesforce Certified Professional, hoping to make it 5x very soon. He and his wife are huge Disney fans who love to travel, especially to Disney World but also further afield to Europe when they get the chance. If he's not blazing trails on Trailhead, John likes to spend his free time with his grown children and tinkering on his horse farm. He's also an amateur radio operator (aka Ham Radio) and a leader at his local radio club.
Mar 27, 2018 By John Lay
I work for Camping World, the largest retailer of RVs, RV accessories, and RV-related services in the United States. Although the company was started in 1966, we've seen incredible growth over the past three years and now have more than 140 locations all over the US. We've celebrated as many... Read More
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