John is Executive Director, 1Million Project Foundation
John helps smart, mission-focused organizations achieve transformational goals. Prior to his role at the 1Million Project Foundation, he helped lead nonprofit and public-sector organizations achieve unprecedented levels of organizational effectiveness, fundraising and impact. He works on organizational development and what it takes to align in ways that optimize results through strategy and implementation. He also helps align people with goals, timelines, resources and messaging. John loves to read and reflect on cross-sector social impact news and projects. On the more personal side, John enjoys spending time with his two children and rediscovering life's simple joys and the mind-blowing learning curve that happens in the early years.
Nov 13, 2018 By John Branam
Homework is a fact of life for most high school students. So too is the internet. So, it makes sense that 70% of teachers now assign homework that must be completed online. While this is not a problem for most kids, five million families don’t have internet at home, according to a 2009 finding by... Read More
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