Damian has been a Product Manager Sales Automation and Analytics at Autodesk for more than two years. He also has over eight years experience as a Salesforce admin and developer, and aims to be (re) Salesforce certified by the end of the year. Damian enjoys salsa dancing and travelling to remote places with his girlfriend. In his spare time (whenever he gets any!), he works on AI projects, geeks out on data and invests in getting more acquainted with Einstein.
Feb 20, 2018 By Damian O'Farrill
Our vision at Autodesk is to help people imagine, design and make a better world. In 35 years, we've seen a lot of changes. We've made software for people who make things in 2D, then 3D and now 3D in the cloud. Every aspect of our business strives towards the future we're helping to create, so it... Read More
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