Customers’ demand for constant, personalized, seamless experiences, has skyrocketed. According to Salesforce’s Second Edition State of the Connected Customer report, 67% of customers say their standard for good experiences are higher than ever.


These raised expectations are likely due to customer experience leaders such as Amazon and Disney — companies that raise the stakes for every other business and are masters at using personalization as a brand differentiator. Marketers know how important personalization is to today’s consumers, however, delivering personalization at scale remains a challenge for many brands. That’s where technology can do the heavy lifting. By using tools that help you automate personalization, make data-driven decisions, and streamline the process of creating dynamic content, you can quickly build personalized, omni-channel experiences at scale.


Marketing Cloud is a digital marketing tool that helps you understand consumers, personalize their experience, and engage them across channels. Here are three ways you can use Marketing Cloud right now to deliver personalized experiences at scale.


1. Automate personalization across channels for seamless journeys

Automation can simplify the process of planning and executing personalized journeys for your entire audience. For example, by building emails that render content on a subscriber-by-subscriber basis, you can personalize content across emails, landing pages, SMS messages, and push notifications. The result is a seamless, personalized experience for every one of your customers without added work on your end.


As it pulls information into each personalized message, marketing automation technology can update your data extensions from your landing pages, making future interactions even more personalized for that customer based on their engagement, user behavior, or information they provide.


2. Let artificial intelligence (AI) inform your decision-making

AI has the potential to help your marketing team achieve smarter segmentation, optimize send times, personalize product recommendations, and much more.


Advanced personalization powered by AI can also supercharge your ABM (Account-Based Marketing) strategy. With the help of AI, you can identify new prospects and follow them through the sales funnel, deliver personalized ads and customer journeys, and deliver deep data insights that your sales and marketing teams can use to personalize customer experiences.


Learn more about how Einstein can help boost personalized customer interactions across all your channels.



3. Give your marketers the tools to streamline dynamic content

Dynamic content is a powerful tool to add to any marketing toolbox. By developing dynamic content blocks or widgets, your marketing team can easily drag and drop them into email campaigns for real-time personalization.


Say you work for a retail brand that specializes in outdoor equipment and apparel, and the key audience for one of your recent email campaigns was year-round outdoor enthusiasts. With dynamic content, your developers could create a custom content block that displays real-time weather data in a subscriber’s geographic area, and then directs them to seasonal content or products with personalized recommendations.


With features like automation, artificial intelligence, and dynamic content, your developers and marketing teams can quickly create personalized content that scales using tools already in Marketing Cloud.


Check out the following resources to learn more about the power of personalized content.