Trailblazer. When you hear the word it conjures up the image of those who go before, those who lead the way, and those who break new ground. Here at Salesforce, we celebrate Trailblazers and everything they stand for, and thank them for leading the way.
Who are these Trailblazers, exactly? They're developers, administrators, sales leaders, marketers, CEOs, and more. Trailblazers are all over the world powering change at companies across all industries. They are the pioneers, the innovators, and the lifelong learners that inspire others.
Whether they're walking around in their day-to-day gear, a black Trailblazer hoodie, or even a gold one, these Trailblazers stand out. Trailblazers are committed to making the world a better, more equal place, and live these values within their careers and within their communities every day.
If you attended Dreamforce or joined us online, you probably heard inspiring Trailblazer stories, such as Stephanie Herrera's story that began in the cotton fields of Texas and led to her becoming a Salesforce MVP, founding ATX Girly Geeks, co-founding PepUpTech, and founding Salesforce Saturday, a community gathering to learn Salesforce. It's Trailblazers like Stephanie who are making the world a better place.
This year we've been so privileged to hear from and be inspired by our Trailblazers. Whether they're sharing what Salesforce has made possible in their careers on social media, teaching each other new skills in Salesforce user groups, earning new badges on Trailhead, sharing Salesforce with underrepresented communities, and so much more, we are so honored to have a front row seat to the amazing things our Trailblazers do every day. Thank you for leading the way.
In this 12 Days of Trailblazing blog series, we will be sharing insights, inspiration, and tips to make 2018 the best year yet for you, Trailblazers. Stay tuned!
Do you have your own Trailblazer story to share? We'd love to hear it! Tell us on Twitter using the hashtag #BlazingTrails.