Once the longest day of the year comes and goes, we can’t help but prematurely mourn the waning of summer. In order to make the very most of the season that always feels too short, we’re ready to make every day count. Here are three ways you can, too.

1. Learn something new (and read a great book).

We love to learn all year round but summer brings longer days, long plane rides, and a lack of deadlines — all of which allow us to open our minds to new ideas.

Mahalo was recently introduced to Dean Minuto and his Yescalate program, which has become a true game changer. Yescalate is a sales methodology and ultimately an entire mindset created by Minuto, a thought leader, popular speaker, and author. It presents a way to get to an answer of Yes, which has challenged the status quo in our office. This summer we’re looking forward to implementing what we’ve learned.

We know summer reading lists are usually full of quick-read thrillers or tawdry romance novels, but if you’re in the market for a book that’s intellectually stimulating yet gripping enough for the beach then pick up Michael Lewis’ The Undoing Project. Lewis addresses the psychology of decision-making through the lives of Israeli psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, whose relationship alone will keep you turning the pages. And their research isn’t a snooze either. They found that the mind’s mechanisms for making judgments and decisions are also capable of generating serious errors.

Dean Minuto and Michael Lewis have both introduced us to methodologies and theories that have changed how we think about ourselves, our relationships, the business, and the power of the human mind to influence and make decisions. Are you ready for change? Check out Minuto’s website, and order a copy of Lewis’ book!

2. Reevaluate existing processes.

For at least a few weeks in the summer, things slow down enough to let us take a step back. This summer the break gives us an opportunity to evaluate our clients’ needs through the lens of our newly acquired knowledge. Kahneman, Tversky, and Minuto’s theories confirm that the biggest barrier to change is people’s desire to stay in their comfort zones. From our reading, we now more closely understand our clients’ needs and the main tool to overcome the fear of making change: the ability to set the stage for change as positive, familiar, controlled, and successful.

3. Show gratitude.

Gratitude is one of our favorite practices, but sometimes the fast pace of work and life pull us away from it. The changing of the seasons is a great time to reset our gratitude intentions.

Studies show that gratitude has many benefits, so set yourself up for a great summer by forming positive habits to carry you through the summer months.  

Mahalo’s summer gratitude is for a significant relief from years of drought, the return of the sun after a rainy winter, and a reacquaintance with the joys of drinking on patios. Most importantly, we’re grateful for Mahalo’s company-wide dedication to learning and growth and, as always, for our clients, who allow us to do what we love.

Set your summer intentions now and make the most of these fleeting months. Even if your only goal is to reflect and relax, our tips can help you prepare for a successful and productive post-summer routine.  

We hope you’ll share what you’ve learned, and what you’re grateful for this summer!


Rick Barsotti has been doing the digital thing since 1996. Mahalo Digital is the trifecta of his passion for delighting clients with unexpected creative, his love affair with the culture and natural beauty of Hawaii, and living each day in the spirit of appreciation and gratitude. He is happiest spending time with his wife, Jenn, and children Bennett and Viv…preferably on a small island in the South Pacific. Follow Rick on Twitter @mahalorick.