Being an adult definitely has its perks — you can stay up all night, ignore chores as long as you please, and curse all you want without getting grounded.

 But if you ask us, none of those perks seem quite as awesome (and beneficial) as a three-month summer break. You know, the ones you only experience as a kid.

That’s not to say you can’t have summer fun while you’re crunching numbers and shuffling paperwork around the office. There are plenty of inexpensive ways to break up the monotony of your workday, if done correctly (and professionally).

Here’s a few ways to add some summer fun to your office. We’ve tested a few of these at Salesforce, and some  remain on our bucket list: 

1. Gamify tasks

Whether you liked video games or dodgeball as a kid, playing games was a core part of summer. In the office, games can also motivate you and your employees to get mundane work tasks done. If your team’s job is to create killer content, why not turn it into a game? Whoever has the blog post with the highest number of pageviews gets a day off to enjoy the summer sun.


2. Be childish

This doesn’t mean engage in office gossip. Summer is the best time to tap into your inner child and re-enact that old-fashioned fun you had as a kid. Think: animal balloon art and slideshows of awkward teen photos.


3. Eat ice cream

Nothing says summer to a kid like ice cream socials. It’s a sweet way to get everyone a little more pumped up about their jobs. Pro tip: Waffles cones are motivational.

4. Decorate your workspace

As a kid, summer was the time you could let your hair down, be yourself, and explore your own interests. Bring that same personal fun to work — specifically your desk. For me, having my “Golden Girls” prayer candles sitting on my desk will light a new fire inside me. 

5. Play music

This one works really well on a Friday afternoon, and is just plain enjoyable. Here at Salesforce, we crowdsource songs from everyone on the team to come up with offbeat, fun, and sometimes very surprising playlists that make the week go by — fast. 


6. Team book club

As a kid, summer wasn't just fun and games — you had to work, too. Remember plugging away at those required summer reading lists? As a (working) adult, reading becomes less work, and more pleasure. So channel that pleasure into a team book club. The fun part: wine is included!