Look back and consider your progress, projects, and performance in 2016. How effective and successful have you been? Here are some reflection questions to help you reflect on 2016:
1. Have I left anything undone I needed to complete this year?
2. What project(s) do I feel happiest about completing?
3. What was my greatest accomplishment?
4. What was my smartest decision this year?
5. How about my worse decision?
6. What good habits did I pick up?
7. What bad habits did I break or pick up?
8. What was my biggest lesson learned?
9. What was my biggest risk, and how did it turn out?
10. What surprised me the most?
11. Who impacted me most this year?
12. How could I sum up 2016 in 10 words or less?
After you've weighed the lessons learned, consider how you can use that knowledge to move forward into 2017, define new strategic priorities, and avoid any problems you had last year.
13. What accomplishment would make me most satisfied this year?
14. What do I look forward to the most?
15. What things (or people) should I avoid?
16. What should I do to improve myself?
17. What can I do to enhance my value in my work?
18. What can I do to enhance my value in my family and loved ones?
19. How can I improve my finances?
20. Do I need to have a better work/life balance?
21. What do I most want to learn this year?
22. What do I expect to be my biggest challenge?
23. If I had to describe my goal for the year in one word, what would my theme be?
24. What big projects/initiatives should I begin to support the above? What will my priorities be?
Best wishes for a peaceful, profitable, and productive 2017!
Laura Stack, MBA, CSP, CPAE, aka The Productivity Pro®, gives speeches and seminars on sales and leadership productivity. For over 25 years, she’s worked with Fortune 1000 clients to reduce inefficiencies, execute more quickly, and increase profitability. To inquire about having Laura speak at your next sales kickoff or conference, please tweet her @laurastack or visit www.TheProductivityPro.com.