Salesforce puppies just got a new leash on life. We’re the ones barking orders today! Our humanagers threw us a bone and left the door to Puppyforce wide open. And I know it may seem far-fetched, but we’re taking over and terriering things up, starting with the @Salesforce Twitter account.


Be sure to roll over to Twitter to spot all of our crazy adventures today! Sit, stay--you won’t want to miss this wild tail.


Wally is all business. Don’t you dig his look? We do. But we dig everything....

Oliver gives his human a “furformance” review. Good luck, human. The puppies are in charge now!

Dexter knows the importance of giving back. That’s a good boy!

Baxter is our Pawsome Admin. There’s nothing he can’t do!

Katzu is all about IOT: Internet of Treats!

Be sure to follow all the fun on Twitter. And check out the Slideshare below for more puppy adventures around the office!


It's a Puppyforce Takeover! from Salesforce