If you had to summarize the current state of marketing in just six words, what would they be? Go ahead. Take a minute and see what pops into your head (and it’s OK if you use your fingers to count out the words like I did).
As someone who writes quite a bit, I’m constantly searching for shorter, simpler ways to explain concepts. Some say “less is more,” but the mantra I like to keep in mind is “brutal simplicity."
So here’s my version of marketing in 2016, in just six words: Digital is king; customer experience rules.
But sometimes six words aren’t quite enough to tell the full story. You may be wondering, “If digital is king, what are the top spending areas?” or “Which strategies will help put the customer experience first at my company?” The “2016 State of Marketing” report published recently by Salesforce Research gives detailed answers to questions like these and more.
This report takes you step-by-step through findings based on a survey of nearly 4,000 marketers worldwide, giving a complete picture of what high-performing marketing teams are doing to gain an edge.
In pursuit of brevity, we’ve also put together 20 shareworthy stats (via Slideshare) to give you a quick snapshot of the marketing research report:
See more on Slideshare or download the full report for an in-depth look at marketing trends in 2016.
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