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Just a few years ago, customer service was an after thought for most companies. If a customer had a good experience, great. If not, oh well.
Today that mentality is ancient history. Successful companies realize that exceptional customer service can be a serious differentiator that opens the door to more sales, upsells, and referrals. Delivering this level of service is all about meeting and exceedign expectations? But what are those expectations and how are the most successful service organizations meeting them?
That’s the question Salesforce set out to answer with our new 2015 State of Service Report. We surveyed more than 1,900 global customer service leaders to discover just how you can put your service organization on the cutting edge. Want to see the highlights before you download the full report? Check out the infographic below!
Want to learn even more about what makes the best service organizations successful? Download the full report today!
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