This is an incredibly exciting era to be a marketer. At no time has the pace of changes been so great, or the imperative to embrace them so critical. Providing cohesive, 1-to-1 experiences for every customer across the entire marketing, sales and service lifecycle is no longer a vision. It is the new expected norm.

Today, the dawn of the digital marketer has arrived, bringing with it unprecedented opportunities to connect with customers in a whole new way. On every channel—from email to advertising, to social, the web, and mobile—customers are on a journey of their own designs. They have assumed control of researching their options, seeking trusted opinions, resolving issues, and deciding which brands have the privilege of communicating with them.

Is your organization prepared to deliver personalized, engaging experiences every step of the way? To find out, register today for the Marketing Cloud Keynote (see instructions below). Join Scott McCorkle, CEO, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, as well as special guests, for a look at the future of digital marketing. Let’s check out a few highlights of what’s in store: 

Visionary Brands, Proven Results

The customer success journey is being driven by the convergence of the digital and physical worlds. No company, regardless of industry or size, is immune. Hear how today’s iconic brands are leveraging Marketing Cloud to deliver exceptional experiences with each phase of the customer lifecycle: Acquisition, Selling, Onboarding, Engagement, and Advocacy.

  • McDonald’s: Discover how the world’s best-known restaurant is using its vast CRM data to acquire new customers with targeted advertising.

  • Precor: Learn how the number one maker of premium fitness equipment unites marketing and sales to drive cross-functional results.

  • Mattel: Witness the future of play to see how the iconic toymaker connects physical toys and digital experiences, and take a ride on their journey to onboard customers and drive advocacy across channels.

  • Room & Board: Hear the digital engagement strategy that enabled the innovative furniture designer to increase conversions by 600 percent and achieve 2800 percent ROI.

Cutting Edge Demos and Announcements

Looking for an inside scoop on what’s coming next from Marketing Cloud? The keynote is the place to be. We have some groundbreaking announcements that are sure to change the way you think about digital marketing.

Of course, we’ll also give you a first-hand view of our latest features. You’ll see how:

  • Journey Builder is the key to delivering 1-to-1 journeys across marketing, sales and service

  • Email Marketing includes hundreds of features to help you execute every possible communication, from basic email marketing to sophisticated Predictive Intelligence decisioning.

  • Mobile Marketing solutions put you in touch with each customer’s ever-changing context, from smartphone to tablet to laptop.

  • Social Media Marketing helps you tap into the power of social media in your marketing, customer service and sales organizations.

  • Web Personalization makes it easy to create beautiful, dynamic web pages and personalize content in real time.

  • Digital Advertising with and Active Audiences unlocks your CRM data to reach customers and target lookalikes.

Go Home with a Marketing Cloud Hoodie

Still not convinced? We’ve got you covered—come early and you’ll leave in style. The first 1,000 to enter the Marketing Cloud keynote will receive a hip Marketing Cloud hoodie! You’re sure to be the envy of the office.

How to Reserve Your Spot

Registration for the keynote is filling fast—but we’ll save you a spot as long as we can.

Already registered for Dreamforce? You just need to click here and login with your Dreamforce credentials in the upper right part of the page. Then, add ‘Marketing Cloud Keynote: Dawn of the Digital Marketer’ to your agenda.

Not yet registered for Dreamforce? If you haven’t registered for Dreamforce yet, here’s your chance. Be sure to add ‘‘Marketing Cloud Keynote: Dawn of the Digital Marketer’ to your agenda.

We hope to see you there!