I'm frequently asked what the fastest way is for someone to build a business. It's usually positioned like this: "What would you do if you were starting over today without the contacts and associates you have made over the years?" 

My answer has remained consistent throughout the years. Just show up. It is as simple as that. But show up where, you might ask? Showing up and being present for live events such as conferences, networking, seminars and mastermind sessions, and any other place where people get together to discuss business growth.

Being open to whatever comes your way is essential. The learning that happens inside a conference session is usually the least important thing that happens at a conference. Being open and talking to people in the hallways, engaging with new people at lunch, and just allowing yourself to interact with others that you might not have before is a huge key to success.

Attending live events for educational and networking purposes is a foundational and instrumental part of any successful business.

Remember, it's not about you. It's about the value you can bring to those around you. It is never what they can do for you, but always what you can do for others. When you master that concept, you and your business will soar. 

The biggest thing you can do when you go to a live event is to ask other attendees what their needs are. Then figure out if you personally can meet those needs or if you have someone in your personal network that can. Connecting people with others is a wonderful thing and sometimes, really more often than not, they will remember and repay that favor in the future.

It is remarkable the amount of joint ventures that come out of meeting people at live events. Sometimes it is for a product or service you never knew that you would want to work with. Other times you might find just the right person to work with on that new concept you’ve been cultivating for awhile. By showing up and being open, you allow yourself to meet other like-minded people.

Going to live events creates business value and personal growth. It is hard to go to a sales or marketing meeting and not take away a nugget of information. When you hear something that makes your synapsis start firing on all cylinders, write it down. Being around others helps to kickstart the flow of ideas.

By leveraging live events you can propel your business and personal development to the next level. Put yourself in circumstances that allow yourself to help others and open up your own mind. Use these live events like seminars and conferences to create that next big idea or to put the finishes touches on a huge project.

Just show up. It is really that easy. 


 Joel Comm is an Internet pioneer, New York Times Best-Selling author of The AdSense Code and Twitter Power 2.0 and serial entrepreneur. An expert on harnessing the power of social media and mobile applications to expand reach and engage in active relationship marketing, Joel is a sought-after public speaker who leaves his readers and audiences inspired, entertained, and armed with strategic tools to create a new media campaign that will explode their business. Joel shares regularly on his podcast, The Joel Comm Show and on his blog at www.JoelComm.com



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