So you might be wondering, “Why” I came to business school with an interest in working with technology that drives transformative impact. The fact that’s products are rewiring the way that companies of all sizes conduct business on a day-to-day basis and are used by thousands of businesses across the world sold me on the opportunity.

In addition, I felt that had a great mission and set of values that its employees believed in and strove to achieve. And last but not least, I was impressed with the people. The people I met in the interview process were intelligent but friendly, hard-working but down-to-earth, and able to take their work seriously without taking themselves too seriously. For me, it was a no-brainer!

So without further ado, here's what I've learned during the past couple of months:

1. Speak with conviction

There were countless times throughout the summer where people asked for my opinion on a project, idea, or discussion. Even though I was an MBA intern, people wanted my thoughts and insights. Regardless of your title or background, it’s important to have an opinion and to speak with confidence and conviction when you share it with others.

2. Selling is a team sport

One of the main goals of the product marketing team is to support the efforts of our sales team. It was amazing to see the outputs of work being used by the sales team on a daily basis. Furthermore, getting their feedback and insight into their customer conversations was enlightening, as it shed light on how challenging the selling process can sometimes be. No wonder there is a need for software like Salesforce!

3. Culture matters

People here are excited and passionate about protecting and celebrating the company culture. While it's easy to recognize the perks and benefits, it was incredibly motivating to see others get excited about coming to work every day and speak so passionately about their time at Salesforce.

4. Tell a story

One thing a great product marketer does is take abstract or ambiguous concepts and makes them simple to understand. One of the ways Product Marketers do this everyday is through the use of stories. Being able to succinctly tell a story that resonates with an audience and sets off a “lightbulb” or “aha” moment is a difficult task—but when it's done correctly, it creates a deep and engaging connection between you and your audience. The art of telling a story is applicable to many areas of life, even beyond of the realm of product marketing.

5. Stand Up

One of the rewarding aspects of being a product marketer at is you get to collaborate with people across the entire organization. Often, it means getting others input or support, or reaching and introducing yourselves to people from different teams and getting their buy-in, time, or resources on a particular project or initiative. At first, this can be intimidating or daunting—nobody wants to be the person who is always asking others for help! However, I’ve found when you take the time to reach out to others and explain how what you are working on will impact the company, customer, and individual people are understanding and willing to collaborate and help achieve the desired objective.

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