There’s a huge demand for mobile apps today and that includes in the enterprise. Why exactly? Because behind all the smartphones, wearables, and connected devices in the marketplace is an application.
The app is the truly powerful part because it brings the end user closer to the product and services a company offers. That connection is the real value customers, employees, and partners are getting from mobile apps. And it’s driving the enterprise app revolution.
Here’s a simple list of things to consider when setting out to build mobile apps at your company:
The first thing you should ask is: how will the app be used and who will it be used by? The way people use mobile apps is much different from when they’re sitting at a desktop.
Next, ask what data the user will need. Consider which system the data be coming from, or if it will be coming from multiple systems. Will different users need different access levels to the data? Are they going to share it or collaborate around it?
This gets into the more technical side of the equation. Will the app need access to different parts of the mobile device, such as the calendar or camera?
If your app is consumer facing, you will want to make it available in a public app marketplace. If it’s employee facing, you may want to only distribute it internally.
Does your existing team have the skill set to build the app, or will you need to partner with a third party to get it developed?
To learn more, watch the complimentary Salesforce.com Video Series: The impact of mobile for both business and IT Departments. Chaptertized for easy viewing, the series features Gartner Research’s David Mitchel Smith, speaking on the challenges of mobile application development.
Among the topics discussed:
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