More and more, mobile devices are popping up on sales calls. It’s not by chance either. As I've mentioned in an earlier post, recent reports state more than 90% of sales orgs have invested in tablets as their newest sales tool, with over 70% saying they’re already achieving a positive ROI.

The below 90-second animated infographic shows you why tablets make the most sense for today's sales teams.


So what are the advantages of going with a tablet over the tried-and-true ways (product sheets, PowerPoint, etc.)? There are three major advantages within the sales organization:

1. How Marketing Can Benefit

Provides the sales team with effective marketing materials (that prevent reps from creating their own). That’s because marketing now has insight into what’s being used — and what’s not. Currently, only 47% of marketing execs say they have a strong relationship with sales when it comes to crafting and producing content. Tablets can change that.

2. How Sales Ops Can Benefit

Sales Ops gains the ability to evaluate processes and tools in real-time. No more waiting for info to trickle in from the field, leaders can now monitor sales as they’re entered into a tablet’s CRM software. This on-demand info allows them to respond to performance issues and even coach as they see who’s not following the prescribed methodology. 

3. How Sales Execs Can Benefit

Focuses on selling vs. creating collateral and spending an inordinate amount of time on reporting. Plus, sales reps can now use the CRM software on their tablets to capture client info during appointments and close deals right then and there thanks to on-site quoting, digital signatures, and more.  

While using tablets as a sales tool is still relatively new, I’ve seen encouraging results. For instance, 23% more firms are meeting their sales quotas and 73% of companies are seeing productivity gains. This is just the beginning. I’m certain the impact of tablets will grow as well. 

The good news is that while many sales orgs have adopted tablets, not everyone has. So if your competitors have yet to embrace mobile, you could enjoy a significant edge if you do it first. With off-the-shelf apps from Salesforce — and custom software that’s Salesforce-friendly — it’s easier than you think to use tablets in a way that increases your profits (and your market share).

The right tools for the job are just part of the sales equation. To learn all of the secrets of the Sales Winners, be sure to download the free ebook at the button below.
