When you think of sales tools, your mind probably goes to things like brochures, sell sheets, and PowerPoints. But perhaps it’s time that changed. A recent Aberdeen Group report uncovered that top sales teams closed more deals with tablets — achieving an average of 109% of quota. So how can tablets benefit your sales organization?

1. The right content at the right time

Equipping sales executives with tablets instead of collateral lets them quickly access content, thanks to features like advanced search tools.

2. Compelling sales support

Instead of making your sales team list off the benefits of your product or service, you can put rich video, 3D animations and other visual aids right at their fingertips.

3. Higher client engagement

The interactive content loaded on a tablet encourages prospects to interact with your sales team’s presentation — something that’s rarely happened with a sell sheet.

4. Robust client data

With a tablet, you can take photos and record meetings for review at a later date. You can also deliver interactive surveys and utilize location-based surveys, the results of which can be easily sent to Salesforce’s CRM tools.

5. Better communication

Pairing your sales team with tablets doesn’t just allow for greater communication during sales calls, it permits an easy dialog afterwards thanks to “anywhere” access to email, videoconferencing and social media.

6. Expedited sales

Tablets don’t just offer on-site quoting and digital signatures to close deals faster, they also give sales execs the ability to instantly submit orders, speeding up the process even more.

6 Ways Tablets Are Transforming Sales from Mutual Mobile

With all that tablets can offer sales teams, it’s no surprise that over 90% of firms are actively using or starting to use these devices in their sales organizations (and that 70% are already seeing ROI). These companies have come to realize how simple, intuitive and easy tablets are — and what a tremendous impact they can have on sales effectiveness.

Image via http://www.flickr.com/photos/williamhook/
