The business world is changing and on June 6, Mitch Joel hosted a Salesforce Marketing Cloud webinar, CTRL ALT Delete – Reboot your Business. Your Future Depends on It, which addressed these changes as well as what you need to do to benefit from them.

Here are five mind-blowing stats from Mitch Joel that demonstrate the shift in today's business world. If this gets you thinking about your business, join the webinar.

Business is changing 1

The Internet is becoming more crowded and your organization needs to stand out. This includes strong SEO weaved into your content marketing strategy, a content-rich website with information that solves your customers' problems and a creative approach to how your content is executed. For instance, consider how infographics, Pinterest or videos can help tell your story in a unique way.

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Mobile is on the rise and your business has to keep up. From ensuring your web content is mobile friendly to having a nimble approach for mobile app development, think mobile first. Ensure your customers and audience can access your content, product, information, customer service center, etc. from their mobile phone anytime, anywhere.

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Not only is mobile on the rise, but it's a critical part of your customers' lives. It's their third arm. And with the rise of social media, your customers are talking about you online across the social web from their devices. No longer do they have to wait on hold to complain or ask a question. Ensure you are monitoring the conversations around your brand and be responsive. Your customers have come to expect this.

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You're not the only brand thinking about this shift to a mobile-focused customer. Your competitors are right there with you and may be acting on it right now. Consider how you can monitor the way your competition is using mobile to connect with their customers. Is their site mobile friendly? Are they using mobile-based products or software? How responsive are they to customer demands online? You can learn from their achievements and mistakes. 

Business is changing

We all have the power to make a difference in this world. We are connected more now than ever before as the Internet and social media has blurred social, economic and geographical lines.  More and more businesses are utilizing internal social networks and intranets to connect faster and more directly. Consider how you can use these tools to share your thoughts and ideas to make a difference in your business.

To see all 25 stats, check out Mitch Joel's Slideshare presentation:

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