Companies hire ad agencies like yours to guide them through the rapidly changing world of media. Whether you’re an established social agency or an agency seeking information about what services you need to provide to become one, here are 20 substantial social media products your agency can offer your clients. 

  1. Industry Insights Landscape: Understanding Social Media Opportunities
  2. Competitive Assessment: Analyzing the Climate
  3. Relevance Audits or Listening Benchmarks: Understanding Client Efficacy
  4. Social Shifts Business Strategy: Helping Clients Adapt to Change
  5. Community Asset Sizing: What and Who are You Working With?
  6. Social Measurement Center of Excellence: Reporting What Matters
  7. Brand Humanization Practice: Tempering Corporate-Speak
  8. Culture Transfusion Frameworks: Becoming Inherently Social
  9. Distributed Brand Architecting: Learning How to Earn Media
  10. Collaborative Innovation Process Design: Fostering Customer Feedback
  11. Marketing Spend Migration Planning
  12. Prospecting Connections Consulting: Using Information in Front of You
  13. Networked Awareness Building Consulting: Empowering Employees to Engage
  14. Engagement Playbook Architecting: Defining the Workflow of Conversation
  15. Real-Time Campaigns
  16. Community Management
  17. Social Content Strategy
  18. Editorial Planning and Content Calendar Creation
  19. Command Center Creative & Design: Building Today’s Newsroom
  20. Social CRM: New Age Customer Data Acquisition and Relationship Management

Use these ideas to become the leader in services you may feel ill-prepared to provide today. And read more about each of these services in our free ebook, Advertising Agencies: 20 Social Media Services to Offer Your Clients.
