What does it take to get hired by the most innovative company in the world? We asked salesforce.com recruiters and hiring managers across all departments for their advice, and boy, did they deliver some golden nuggets!

While their suggestions for success include a generous dose of the practical (“Wear your passion.”), the list also emphasizes the importance of getting to know what makes salesforce.com culture undeniably unique (“Ask us about 1/1/1.”).

If you are looking to land your #dreamjob, you might want to study this list on your mobile device, print it out and post it on your fridge, and repeat it to yourself until you have it completely memorized. OK, maybe that’s a bit extreme, but you catch our drift.

We created this customized career search CliffsNotes of sorts to help guide you in your quest to join the best. So, without further ado, on to the tips!

1.  Get to know us.
Browse our website. Watch Marc Benioff’s latest keynote. Check out our #dreamjob videos. Be able to articulate what we do, who we are and why you want to be a part of it in a 30-second elevator pitch. We’re here to make an impact - and we want your impact, too.

2.  Stalk us. OK, “stalk” may be a little over the top, but we strongly encourage you to follow us everywhere - on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Tweet us @salesforcejobs. Connect with our recruiters. Attend our events. Be social.

3.  Ask about our culture so you can determine if it connects with you. We thrive on growth, shaking things up, innovation, collaboration, learning and feedback. We work hard and move fast, but we also know how to let loose and have fun. And we do it all in our signature Aloha style!

4.  Talk about yourself. We like people who know they have valuable experiences and insights and aren’t shy about sharing them. When you’re asked behavioral questions starting with, “Tell me about a time when …”, settle in and charm us with some good old-fashioned storytelling.

5.  Challenge us with one brilliant question after the other. Go ahead and throw us the hardballs, surprise us and make us think. It’s one of the best ways we know how to build a connection and for us to understand how serious you are about pursuing your #dreamjob with us. 

6.  Wear your passion on your sleeve, on your face, and all over you. Be ready to enthusiastically express what makes you tick and how that aligns with the company’s mission. This is more meaningful than any experience you can bring to the table and is what sets you apart from other candidates.

7.  Ramble on and on (within reason, of course!) about your most memorable experiences with customers. We want to know the lengths you’ve gone to build trust and deliver success for them. 

8.  Dream of the future. What new technologies or ways of working get you so excited that you lose sleep thinking about them, perform impromptu cartwheels, or literally jump for joy? Wow us and ignite our curiosity by talking about something that might not have hit our radar yet.

9.  Show us you can play. Salesforce.com is a team sport, so be prepared to share your approach to collaboration and learning from others. In fact, think of the interview itself as your first huddle with us and make us want to give you the ball.

10.  Be a force for good. We are so serious about corporate philanthropy that we built it into our business model. Ask us about 1/1/1 and share the ways you pay it forward and give back to your community. 

*Bonus tip to make mom proud: Treat yourself to a new interview outfit, haircut and stand up straight because when you look your best, you feel your best, and that can’t hurt when you are trying to land your #dreamjob

Ready to make your career dream come true? Visit our Careers page now to launch your job search.