Today we are excited to announce that Salesforce Marketing Cloud is integrating Facebook’s new custom audience targeting feature. What is Facebook custom audience targeting, you ask?

Custom audience targeting helps marketers reach people they may already have a connection with on Facebook. Marketers can now find the exact people they want to reach, in custom audiences defined by what they already know.

Here’s how it works, in three simple steps:

1. Identify 

Identify the segments of customers you’d like to talk to within your CRM system. They could be customers, prospects, loyalty club members, users with product preferences – anyone you want to reach with targeted messages. 

2. Find

Find these people on Facebook. Input an email or phone list representing your customer segments. The list will be hashed before being sent to Facebook. Salesforce Marketing Cloud will match the hashes against Facebook’s active users, and build a custom audience in with everyone that matches the list.  Also, Facebook does not share the identity of people who were matched back with Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

3. Reach 

Reach the exact people you want to talk to with Salesforce Marketing Cloud’s social advertising technology. You can also overlay classic targeting to refine your audience and reach an even more precise group.

Whether you're an online retailer with a list of your customers' email addresses, a B2B tech company looking to reach out to prospects who have downloaded a whitepaper, or gaming company wanting to target the ID's of your game's players, you can now reach people who are the most likely to engage with your social ads! Marketers can also reach their existing audience with relevant messages for current customers, or exclude your audience if they’re trying to reach new customers. 

We’re excited to announce this at Dreamforce! The fact that it is now possible to combine your CRM database with your social ads provides marketers with groundbreaking new options to build their business. This is just one example of what we mean we talk about turning insight into action and customers into customers for life.

Do you have questions about Facebook custom audience targeting? Reach out your account executive for more information or contact us.