Today we are pleased to announce that Salesforce Marketing Cloud is among the first group of close companies named to the Strategic level of Facebook’s new Preferred Marketing Developer (PMD) program. The Strategic PMD level is a designation reserved for Facebook’s most invested developers. 

As David Fischer, Vice President of Advertising and Global Operations, Facebook, said on stage today at Dreamforce, “‘Strategic PMD’ is going to be reserved for an exclusive category of PMDs, and signifies our commitment to building even stronger long-term relationships. Not surprisingly, Salesforce is among the first group of close partners we are today welcoming to this program.”

You can watch David’s full speech, which was part of the Marketing Cloud product keynote at Dreamforce, on Salesforce Live or see a recoding our YouTube channel later today. 

As a charter member of the sPMD group, Salesforce Marketing Cloud is going to sit on the PMD Executive Council, gain early access to pre-launch product tests, and receive levels of product and sales support that Facebook has never offered before.

Marketing Cloud joined Facebook as one of the charter PMD partners in 2007, and since then we’ve seen first hand how the company is changing the way we communicate, while working to execute their mission of making the world more open and connected. We are excited to take this next step in our journey with Facebook!