[Ed. Note: As the Samsung-Apple verdict shakes up (and shapes) the industry, @bcfrancis observes that it is a sound plan to get the architecture and strategy right to embrace the mobile imperative. - @jtaschek]
It’s easy to get focused on the battle for supremacy in mobile devices, but this week I am focusing on some interesting thoughts bubbling up from a conference in San Diego. In particular, this headline on ZD Net caught my eye: “Mobility; it’s not a device, it’s an IT architecture”:
“Mobility has quickly become a focal point for IT, but while BYOD is the issue getting the ink, the true challenge is developing an architecture that can lead enterprises into this new era of computing.
That’s a heckuva footprint, and in my opinion, the right way to ook at mobility in today’s IT.
The Mobile Reference Architecture is an integrated set of research that helps IT organizations make technology, infrastructure and policy decisions that support their mobile initiatives. The Mobile Reference Architecture will help IT organizations:
Still, there are plenty of potential pitfalls ahead:
“Wireless networks are not prepared for mobility,” said DeBeasi. “What happens in the building when hearing aids are Bluetooth, when there are network connected heart monitors? What does that do to the network? What risks are there to the employees who have those devices?”
ZD Net’s Larry Dignan reports that Forrester is seeing some lurking gotchas as well:
What about your organization? Does your IT team view mobility the same way? What are the roadblocks to embracing this thinking?
I’d love to see your comments.