Last year saw 800+ blog posts published on this blog, while some 400K  people visited each month. So, we decided to grab the blog posts with the most pageviews in 2018 and others that captured readers’ imaginations, and have our colleagues vote on their favorites in a new annual award we’re calling the Salesforce Bloggie Awards.

The top three award winners are the best of the best, and if you missed them when they were initially published, you could remedy that now.


(clockwise from lower left) Stephanie Lottridge, Laura Woods, Kimberlee Honjo, Mai Le, Leah McGowen-Hare, Jeff Elder, and Alexandra Siegel.

5 Expert Tips For Giving the Best Presentation of Your Life by Leah McGowen-Hare and published on the corporate blog on August 8, 2018, emerged with an early lead and kept the momentum going. This blog post won Blog of the Year Award by claiming 16.3% of the entire vote.

What I Learned from My Immigrant Parents About Succeeding in Business by Marie Rosecrans was the second most popular blog post, receiving 13.7% of the vote. Holding onto third place, Color Affects Performance — What Salesforce's Latest Design Studies Reveal by Steve Fadden claimed a spot with 11.9% of the vote.



What these winning blog posts, the nominees, and the seven write-in nominees have in common is a strong point of view that showcases what our readers want. They want content that helps them do their jobs better, inspires innovation, explains Salesforce and its products, and portrays our company’s values.

In alphabetical order, here are the nominees that valiantly competed for a Bloggie:


Congratulations also go out to the seven write-in nominees. Click-through to read why Salesforce employees think they’re worthy of another look.