Aniko van der Lee, Lead Software Engineer and sustainability champion, is joining the ranks of our Salesforce Women of the Month as November’s honoree. Congratulations, Aniko!

It’s no surprise that the #SalesforceOhana nominated Aniko for her incredible dedication to living a socially conscious life, inside and outside the office. But it wasn’t always so easy for Aniko. That’s why she’s sharing her story of going green, along with a few tips to keep your holiday season eco-friendly!

We hear you are a sustainability champion — inside and outside the office! How did you get started?

I wouldn’t have described myself as very socially conscious until my son was about two years old. Around that time, I had an experience that truly changed my life. During a family vacation to Kauai I saw a poster of an abandoned dog that was in desperate need of a home. I started to follow him on social media where I discovered that millions of healthy, adoptable cats and dogs are euthanized in the United States every year. At around this same time, I became aware of the terrible poaching crisis that is facing elephants and other indigenous species in Africa. I was initially so upset by all this new information that I was practically crippled by it.

Then I realized that the only way to cope was to get involved. So, I started volunteering at San Francisco’s open door shelter, and a short time later I also got involved with an advocacy group called March for Elephants. Through my advocacy work I learned how wild species are suffering from habitat loss, and that animal agriculture on a mass scale is a leading contributor to human-wildlife conflict, deforestation, and the degradation of the environment. As a result of this, I decided to become vegan and have been for almost three years. 

My passion for sustainability and socially conscious living all comes back to being a mom. Everything stems from the thought: what kind of planet will my son inherit? 

The holiday season can be a tough time to start living more sustainably. Any tips for keeping the holidays merry and … green?

Remember that you don’t need to buy somebody a gift just for the sake of buying them something. Many of us are privileged enough to have everything we could possibly need. So, when people ask me what I want as a gift for the holidays, I encourage them to donate to a worthy cause in my name. Also, homemade goodies can be delicious, and so much more enjoyable than another plastic item that will end up in the junk pile shortly after the holidays are over. If you just can’t resist gifting, be sure to buy from your friends and neighbors who own local businesses!

What’s your secret to staying environmentally conscious all year round, without feeling overwhelmed?

I think of it as a collection of many small things that we can do every day. And if you mess one up, no big deal, just learn from it and move on. With every move I make, I try to be mindful and ask myself: “Is there a way I could do this differently that would make it less wasteful?” Here are some easy tips that anyone can start today:

  • Turn lights off when you leave a room.

  • Try not to buy single-use, disposable items. (This one can be hard … trust me, I know!)

  • Don’t take straws or to-go bags at restaurants.

  • Keep reusable utensils, a cup, and a bowl at your desk.

  • Dispose of items in the proper bins to keep as much out of landfills as possible.

  • Take the bus, bike, or walk somewhere instead of driving. (Carpool when driving can’t be avoided!)

  • Turn the water off while brushing your teeth.

  • Choose a vegan or vegetarian option instead of meat when ordering food.

  • Recycle textiles, electronics, and other items that are often overlooked as recyclable.

All of these are habit more than anything else, so if you start to consciously make small changes, eventually they become new habits. Above all else, be joyful in the example you set for others and think about the type of world you want to participate in. In the famous words of Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”

The Salesforce Woman of the Month campaign turns the spotlight on the amazing women who help make Salesforce one of the World’s Most Innovative Companies according to Forbes and one of Fortune Magazine’s Best Companies to Work For. Honorees are nominated by fellow employees and selected by a dedicated committee that works to ensure a variety of roles and regions are honored.

To hear more from Aniko, make sure to connect with her on LinkedIn. And stay tuned for our next edition of Salesforce Woman of the Month, coming your way in December.