Are you on the hunt for a new job? Do you need to find work right away so you can get your bills paid? If so, you need to find things that you can do that are going to get you hired in a hurry. This doesn’t mean that you have to take any old job that comes along. There are other ways to go about getting hired quickly. Here are some tips that will help.


1. Use Your Connections

Often, we get jobs because we were referred by someone else. Never be afraid to use your connections and ask people for referrals. Start with friends and family members, then move on to former colleagues, employers, etc. If they are valued employees, their employers are going to listen to them when they refer others to work with their companies.


2. Be Prepared

When you get called for an interview, take some time to learn as much as possible about the company. The more you can show a potential employer that you are interested in the company and in the job, the better it is going to look for you during the interview. Present ideas to interviewers as if you already have the job. Showing initiative really helps.


3. Ask How You Did

At the end of the interview, before you leave, it is a good idea to seal the deal and ask the interviewer about your performance during the interview. This is something you will need to practice in order to not come off as sounding either desperate or arrogant. Ask politely if you still a candidate for the position.


4. Use Outplacement Services

If you need work right away but can’t find anything, you might want to consider outplacement services. This is a great way to get trained for interviews and get help with your resume to increase your chances of finding a job faster. Also, these companies help with finding you a job for your skills and experience.


5. Be a Storyteller

It is always a good idea to be yourself during an interview, and one way to do that is to be a storyteller. When you are asked questions, don’t just provide short and to the point answers. Elaborate on your experience, things you have done, how you have handled certain situations that could arise in the new job, etc. The more information you give, the more they can see you are qualified.


6. Send a Thank-You Note

After a job interview, it is important that you follow up with the interviewer. This not only shows that you appreciate their time, but also that you are genuinely interested in getting the job. It is also a great way to mention anything that you may have forgotten to say during the interview.


7. Keep Applying

There is no reason why you can’t apply for the same job more than once. If it is a job that you really want, keep applying. This will not be seen as pestering the employer. So, if you apply for a job and don’t get it, apply again when you see it re-listed. Just make sure that your qualifications on your resume match the job requirements.