Spring is the season of growing things: greenery, allergies, and... businesses. The spring quarter is the perfect time to do a little cleaning, and take a good long look at your goals. Whether you want to speed up your lead time, take on new staff, or expand into new markets (or preferably, all of the above), it's a good time to be thinking about how you can jumpstart your company's growth.
Growing your business starts - like all good things - with a plan. The better you plan now, the better you'll be able to forsee, and adjust to hurdles and challenges as they come. You'll also be in a good position to see measure your progress and set goals for the future. Use these tips to map out your route to success:
It's not always easy to change, but sometimes change is what's necessary, especially when it comes to implementing new platforms, software, or techniques. Bringing in new technology is always a big change, involving a reassessment of your processes and priorities, but it's also a great way to increase your efficiency and build a foundation for you business to grow from. Embracing the likelihood of change at the very beginning of the process will save you a considerable amount of time and heartache later on.
You want to grow, but each department has its own special chaos. Files go missing, communication is non-existent, and your org is overly complicated. The first step to being able to nail down a solid growth strategy is to get organized. Identify your goals. What processes do you have in place that can help you achieve them, and which ones are only going to hinder you in the long run? Organization and simplicity tend to go hand in hand, so look at ways to simplify complicated practices or structures, and streamline wherever possible.
Sometimes growing your business means growing your team. Assess your need for particular skill sets like data analysis, web design, and content creation. Is it better to have these skills as available resources on your team, or is it more efficient to budget and outsource them? That will depend on your business set up, your current team's capacity, and your long-term goals, but thinking about how your team manages now, and how they would cope with say, double or triple the amount of success can help you prevent them from getting overwhelmed or under-utilized later.
This is the most important thing: whatever you do, do it as well as you can. Work like you've already reached your growth targets and the sky is the limit, because it is. Go above and beyond whether you have ten customers or 1000. Starting out with dedication and drive means that the only thing left to do is sustain your momentum. And the better you get at what yo do, the more your clients and prospects will notice.
What are some of your best tips for growth and setting business goals? Let me know in the comments! And check out the webinar 5 Tips for Growing Your Business You'll Wish You Knew Before with Kathy Meyer, Marketing Manager and Salesforce Administrator at PMG to learn how she used technology and teamwork to help her business grow.