Spring has officially sprung and with that comes CloudCraze’s newest release, Spring ’17. Our vision over the last six years has been to disrupt the commerce market by focusing on B2B and B2B2B engagement – transforming the way organizations conduct business and empowering them to embrace change.

How have we done this to date?

Objectively, we design for configuration over code. This calls for less development resources and time, reduces the overall cost of implementation, and allows companies to begin generating revenue quickly.

Our Spring ’17 release continues to support this mission in two key areas of investment:

  • CloudCraze 4.6 introduces new foundational (i.e., platform specific) and functional investments.
    • New and Enhanced APIs – Support our customers’ wishes for additional power and flexibility.
    • Contemporary Storefronts – Provide an enriched model for store design.  Streamline the development process with increased configurability and use of the UX framework, and the development community.
    • Enhanced Offer Management – Increase revenue potential by empowering merchandisers to build offers and give customers the opportunity to personalize a subscription or service contract.
  • CloudCraze Exchange brings the advantages of the “Apps” economy to CloudCraze, allowing you to extend, enhance and connect to CloudCraze in minutes.
    • Connectors – Integrate easily with Avalara’s AvaTax and These Connectors provide integration in minutes with enhanced configurability controls from storefront to storefront eliminating needless integration efforts.
    • Apps – First of many, Mass Order is a complementary app that allows sales reps and buyers to more efficiently place orders across hundreds to thousands of order lines for one or multiple accounts. Other benefits of the app include: unique ship-tos, shipping dates and budget authority. Mass Order allows companies to be more productive when developing seasonal sales orders and increases efficiency for the overall sales process.

Spring is an expression of growth. Our Spring ’17 release is no exception. We continue to advance the platform’s functionality – from advancing the implementation experience to venturing into new business models and improving how our customers manage their B2B relationships. We are committed to transforming enterprises’ ability to generate revenue faster and continually improve their commerce experience. And our new investments set the foundation to do just that – sustaining the growth of our offering in 2017 and beyond.