Oh Canada! This October marks salesforce.com’s 10-year anniversary in Canada.
It’s remarkable how much salesforce.com has expanded in the country over the past decade. What began as a tiny hub is now a flourishing group of multiple locations, with our official headquarters in downtown Toronto and additional offices in Halifax, Saint John, Fredericton and Vancouver. The company continues to add new teams, verticals, and segments to the Canadian business while employee numbers also continue to grow. Clearly, there’s a lot to celebrate. And you better believe that’s what our Toronto team did.
To jumpstart the festivities, more than 100 employees laced up their sneakers for the 7th Annual Terry Fox 5K Run & Walk and raised over $8,000 to benefit the Terry Fox Foundation and cancer research. Post-run, employees refueled with refreshments aboard a docked ship at the finish line. A DJ spun tunes, raffle prizes were awarded...and in true salesforce.com style, all proceeds went to charity.
Up next? An Employee Town Hall. Salesforce.com COO George Hu flew to Canada to commemorate the milestone and hosted over 300 employees for a candid discussion, answering questions and providing insight around salesforce.com’s growth, performance and objectives in Canada.
The piece de resistance for this anniversary celebration was a day of pure fun. On Saturday, Sept. 27, hundreds of employees and their family members gathered at Canada’s Wonderland theme park for a day of rides, prizes, speeches, and fun. Employees rocked custom salesforce.com baseball hats, enjoyed lunch and admired an amazing employee photo collage while the kids went crazy for funnel cake, cloud “tattoos,” and glow sticks.
Of course, not every day at the office involves a happy hour at sea or a roller coaster ride, but hearing employees speak about the vibrant Toronto office culture almost makes you think otherwise.
“When salesforce.com Toronto opened ten years ago, there were just five of us...and look at us now! I’m so proud of the culture and spirit this hub has built.” — Michael B., Senior AVP, Commercial Sales
What’s next for salesforce.com Canada? Well, it looks like the best is yet to come.
“In a ‘change is constant’ environment like this, one thing that won't change is our plan to continue offering the best products, earning the best customers and hiring the best people.” — Dan R., AVP, ESB Sales
"It's been an amazing 10 years here in Toronto, but even more amazing is our future potential. We’ve got so many incredible and inspiring people here, all dedicated to continuing growing this office!"
—Mark G., Senior Manager, Employee Recruiting
Ready to join the team? Salesforce.com is hiring in Canada! If you or someone you know is looking for a #dreamjob in the area, visit our Canada careers site.