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Chances are, you’ve heard about the Internet of Things, one of the hottest technology buzzwords. If you haven’t, the simple definition is that the Internet of Things takes physical objects, connects them to the Internet, and allows them to be read and controlled remotely.
So companies will have more and more access to customer data. The question is, what should they do with it?
You know the saying, “The best offense is a good defense"? Well how about, “The best customer service experience is the one that never has to happen”? The Internet of Things unlocks the key to proactive customer service, where companies can take care of issues before the customer has complained, or even before the customer is aware that there is an issue.
During the free webinar, Using the Internet of Things to Deliver Effortless Customer Service, Chuck Malone, Senior Director of Etherios, and Charlie Isaacs, CTO of Customer Connection for salesforce.com, will discuss the Internet of Things, particularly its implications for customer service.
In addition to speaking about the future of the Internet of Things (50 billion devices with Internet connections by 2020, according to multiple sources!), Malone and Isaacs will use examples like Tesla to demonstrate how connectivity can be implemented for a truly effortless customer experience.
Today’s customers expect effortless interactions with your business; the Internet of Things is the key to meeting, and exceeding, those demands.
Please join us for the free webinar, Using the Internet of Things to Deliver Effortless Customer Service, on Wednesday, Sept. 10, at 10 am PST/1 pm EST. Register here.
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