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Now more than ever, companies in industries across the board have the power to innovate. How? By building custom applications.
And the faster they add this value, the quicker they can differentiate their brand, release new products, acquire more customers, and improve overall competitiveness.
The speed and success of such app development is dramatically increased when using a cloud application platform, also known as Platform as a Service (PaaS). A new IDC white paper, sponsored by salesforce.com, takes a look at benefits experienced by organizations that have leveraged the Salesforce1 Platform to build a variety of apps.
Check out the below infographic for a summary of the results:
To read more on how IT can innovate and differentiate by building their app portfolio on the Salesforce1 Platform, download the complimentary IDC white paper, sponsored by salesforce.com, Salesforce1 Platform: Accelerate App Dev with Huge ROI.
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