The good news is that mobile apps help you connect to customers, employees, partners, and products in ways you never could before. The even better news is that when building apps for your enterprise, you don’t have to wait weeks, months or years to get them “just so” before releasing them to users.
The Salesforce1 Platform gives you everything you need to build apps fast, plus the flexibility to test and deploy them so you can get ideas into the marketplace before your competitors. In addition, with the Salesforce1 Platform you have the power to update your apps easily and quickly.
Here are three reasons why innovation, and not perfection, can and should be the focus of mobile app development at your company:
Too often, development practices in enterprise environments are stuck in the ‘90s. Software had to be perfect — or at least complete — according to a detailed specification document, because there were significant logistics involved. These
included provisioning servers, burning CDs, mailing them to users, creating installation docs, and so on. The problem with this model is that the first version of an app almost always misses the mark. Why? Because eliciting user input and putting it in a document doesn’t work.
Great enterprise mobile apps ship a minimal viable product (MVP), meaning a product that meets the minimum requirements of the customer (in other words, it solves a problem) that users can get their hands on and offer immediate feedback to the developer team to iterate on. This feedback should be reviewed and, if appropriate, included into the next build of the product. Shipping the MVP frequently and often puts the end user in the middle of the design and development process. This way, the user feels as if they have had input into the app’s design.
With app distribution no longer an issue, enterprise mobile apps should aim to keep their content and experience fresh with regular updates, fixes, and new features. Enterprise mobile apps can highlight “what’s new” upon first-app launch with a subtle message indicator. Mobile app updates do not have to be significant, but they must be valuable and solve a problem.
Download this e-book for everything you need to know about building great enterprise mobile apps.