mobile makeoverChange happens to us in business and life and too often, change means doing big things that yield little results. But when extreme results come from small changes, life-changing strategies come about that really mean business. Mobile is someting we must all embrace in our business and here are three small changes that can provide your business with an extreme mobile makeover.

Give Your Business Card a Face Lift

Most business cards communicate contact information effectively. But if your business card fails to go beyond providing a way to call, email and text, then it needs a face lift, fast.

A robust mobile business card gives its reader instant access to you. It makes it easy for someone to download your information directly into their contacts, and even introduce you to like individuals and businesses with one quick click. It can highlight your mutual contacts on social networks and provide links to your content that is indexed in Google.

The way to get all this onto your business card is to include a link and possibly a QR code to your online mobile business card.

My Vizcard
I use the Mobile Business Card Builder from Vizibility. They have a free version and a paid version with more features.

Enhance Your Emails

A full 30 percent of people who read their email on mobile devices will unsubscribe simply because the email they are reading is not readily accessible on that device . If your email is not mobile friendly, you are losing subscribers.

Before you lose your list, give your email an enhancement.

Check with your email service provider to see if they offer mobile friendly email templates. If not, find an email provider that makes their emails mobile friendly, like ExactTarget.

You can also make your email work better on mobile by making a few adjustments on your own. Use a single column format. This alone will help a lot. Make sure all clickable links have ample space around them, making it easier for a finger to click.

Give Your Website a Mobile Makeover

As noted in my 5 Best Practices of Mobile Marketing article, it is a good idea to have a mobile responsive website. But changing the design alone is not enough for a full mobile makeover. Think about what people want from your site when they are mobile.

The most common things mobile visitors are trying to find are your location, your store hours and/or your phone number. Make sure this important information is literally at their fingertips.

Michaels has one simple box to use to input a location. It accepts either a zip code or city and state. All it takes is one piece of information and a click of a big button to get to vital store location data. Michaels has made it easy for mobile visitors to accomplish what they want, easily and quickly.


If you have a search function on your site, make sure it is as simple and easy to use. This tiny makeover can produce huge results when your mobile visitors can easily find what they need.

If your site doesn't offer your hours, location and a clickable phone number within one click of the home page, give it a makeover by getting those items front and center.

Your business card, your email and your store location section of your website are three areas that are prime for a mobile makeover. None of these are high cost items, but they certainly improve a visitor's experience with your business. When you make these small changes, your customers and your business will experience a major mobile makeover.


Your company can go mobile with Salesforce1. Learn more e-book below.
