More than four million apps have now been built on the “The buzz is there,” shared company VP of Development, Adam Seligman during the Dreamforce ‘13 Developer Keynote. “The community has picked up that Salesforce is a platform company.”

Here are three major developments when it comes to the world of developers:

1. The Growth of Developers

Just a year ago, there were “only” 800,000 registered developers on salesforce. As of November 2013, there are 1.4 million. And that number is continuing to grow. Salesforce has a new partnership with Udacity to offer free online tutorials for those with zero prior development experience interested in learning how. 

2. The Internet of Customers

The third wave of computing in which we are now in is different, says EVP Adam Bosworth. “Everyone has figured out it’s not about selling a product, it’s about engaging with your customers. You have to care. You have to show empathy.” The way to do this is mobile, adds Bosworth. With mobile, you know where your customers are, can connect to them, and can get them what they need.

3. The Shift to APIs

The recently-launched Salesforce1 Platform offers 10 times more API functionality and services for developers than it did before. This "API first" focus is a huge cultural shift for the company. The change was brought on by the Internet of Things, with all of the connected devices out there, and the subsequent Internet of Customers. “It comes down to the apps and comes down to the developers who build those apps,” says Seligman. 

Watch the complete Dreamforce '13 Developer Keynote below. 

To learn more about the Salesforce1 Platform and to build mobile apps fast, click this link or the button below.
