Salesforce1 Platform is now the #1 Cloud Platform in the world, handling 96 billion transactions every quarter. It’s been an amazing year for the platform, with product releases like Mobile SDK Apps, Company Communities, Salesforce Identity, Private AppExchange, and recently, Salesforce1.

API First

Mike Rosenbaum, EVP and GM Salesforce1 Platform, shared at Dreamforce '13 the catalyst for Salesforce1 was the desire to do a better job at API service. The way to do that was to rethink the development and functionality of what they were building, and make it API first. Salesforce1 takes everything you ever put into Salesforce and gives you access to all of it in one application on any device.

The technology also offers public APIs that can be deconstructed and reinvented for your product, customers, partners, and employees. “We have built into it the expectation that you are going to change it and modify it and make it unique to your business,” says Rosenbaum.

Systems of Engagement

In addition to the move to API first, there’s been a shift from systems of record, to systems of engagement. With systems of record, it was all about data, one-way relationships, and independent transactions. With systems of engagement, the focus is on providing better service, connected experiences, and managing relationships, all of which deliver much more value to customers. Salesforce offers two new ways to build systems of engagement, Salesforce1 Apps and custom UI apps.

Next Gen Enterprises

Most CIOs would rather spend time innovating and less time keeping the lights on. What typically holds them back? Legacy infrastructure. Salesforce1 Platform manages infrastructure so CIOs can focus on moving their business forward and creating next generation applications. These kinds of next gen apps are transforming entire industries, including healthcare, education, science, and manufacturing.

Rosenbaum shared that when he began his career in IT, he was trained that the word he would most use was “no.” But the limitations that held back his IT department then, no longer exist. “I want you all to say yes, because, by saying yes, it’s going to allow you to build those applications that reinvent your company,” says Rosenbaum.

To view the complete Dreamforce Salesforce1 Platform Keynote, click here.

Discover many more features of Salesforce1 by watching a free demo, and by downloading the Salesforce1 Platform App Guide and Gallery.
