Mobile users check their phone on average 150 times a day, according to KPCB Internet Trends 2013. Facts like these are proving how mobile  is growing and changing rapidly and this has a big impact on the business world.

Hold on to your smartphones: Here are 20 game-changing mobile stats.

1. Mobile Internet traffic has grown from 1% in 2009 to 15% in 2013. (KPCB Internet Trends 2013)

2. By 2016, U.S. mobile users will increase from 174 million to 265 million. (IDC, Worldwide New Media Market Model, 2012)

3. By 2016, U.S. users accessing the Internet through PCs will shrink from 240 million consumers to 225 million. (IDC, Worldwide New Media Market Model, 2012)

4. Smartphone use in the U.S. is growing 28% year-over-year. (KPCB Internet Trends 2013)

5. Mobile users check their phone on average 150 times a day. (KPCB Internet Trends 2013)

6. 29% of Americans say their phone is the first and last thing they look at every day. (Qualcomm)

7. Mobile app users are four times more engaged than those surfing the web through a browser. (comScore Mobile Metrix, March 2012)

8. By 2015, mobile app development projects targeting smartphones and tablets will outnumber PC projects by 4:1. (Gartner Predicts, 2012)

9. It took this app 50 days to reach 50 million downloads. It took 38 years for the radio to reach 50 million people. (Localytics)

10. The average age for a person’s first cell phone is now 13. (Qualcomm)

11. More than 29% of US adults now own a tablet or eReader, compared to 2% in 2009. (2012 KPCB Internet Trends Year End Update)

12. 140 million iPad units shipped in the first 12 quarters after launch, compared to 50 million iPhones in its first 12 quarters after launch. (KPCB Internet Trends 2013)

13. Worldwide devices (the combined shipments of PCs, tablets and mobile phones) are projected to reach 2.35 billion units in 2013, a 5.9% increase from 2012. (Gartner)

14. Almost the same percentage of developers expect to spend the next 6 months building for the tablet, as for the smartphone: 81.34%, compared to 84%. (Appcelerator and IDC Developer Survey, Q2-2013)

15. Developers are building less customer-facing (B2C) apps (down 19%). (Appcelerator and IDC Developer Survey, Q2-2013)

16. Developers are building more business (B2B) and employee (B2E) apps, up from 29.3% in 2010 to 42.7% in 2013. (Appcelerator and IDC Developer Survey, Q2-2013)

17. By 2017, 90% of the enterprise apps will be both desktop and mobile, up from 20% in 2013. (Gartner Predicts, 2012)

18. 63% of developers say enterprise demand for their skills in the past six months has “increased” or “greatly increased,” due to the number of employee apps wanted. (Appcelerator and IDC Developer Survey, Q2-2013)

19. 76% of businesses say mobile devices increased employee responsiveness and decision-making speed. (Cisco Systems, 2012)

20. The majority of workers use smartphones to read or view documents, spreadsheets, or presentations, but are much more likely to use tablets for editing activities. (Cisco Systems, 2012)

Check out these stats and more in this Slideshare presentation:

20 Game-Changing Mobile Stats from Salesforce
Now it's time to be a part of these numbers and build mobile apps of your own. Download our free ebook to get started. 

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